Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Free Essays on Music Industry

Music In The Digital Age At a time were the delivery of music is changing forms from a product based container to a digital stream of information, the explosion of Internet based record labels are springing out all over the world. While the Major labels are in court trying to secure there future in the delivery of music, do-it-yourself (DIY) companies are not wasting any time adopting a new business model of digital distribution. Digital music in MP3 format has increased in popular over the past several years, as music consumers download from Internet Web-sites or trade through online peer-to-peer sharing services, which have flourished in recent years. The Major record labels argue that MP3 downloads violate copyright laws, as the record companies are unable to collect royalties on songs copied, traded, or downloaded (O’Connor). Despite the music industry’s protests, a significant movement towards a digital music format has elevated. â€Å"Lawmakers have been increasingly vocal about their de sire to see progress in the online music business, instead of a series of lawsuits and business failures† (Borland). The Affects Of Globalization On Music The Affects of Globalization on Music â€Å"Won’t you help me sing these songs of freedom?† -Bob Marley The influence that music has throughout the world is immeasurable. Music evokes many feeling, surfaces old memories, and creates new ones all while satisfying a sense of human emotion. With the ability to help identify a culture, as well as educate countries about other cultures, music also provides for a sense of knowledge. Music can be a tool for many things: relaxation, stimulation and communication. But at the same time it can also be a tool for resistance: against parents, against police against power. Within the reign of imported culture, cross cultivation and the creation of the so-called global village lies the need to expand horizons to engulf more than just wha... Free Essays on Music Industry Free Essays on Music Industry Music In The Digital Age At a time were the delivery of music is changing forms from a product based container to a digital stream of information, the explosion of Internet based record labels are springing out all over the world. While the Major labels are in court trying to secure there future in the delivery of music, do-it-yourself (DIY) companies are not wasting any time adopting a new business model of digital distribution. Digital music in MP3 format has increased in popular over the past several years, as music consumers download from Internet Web-sites or trade through online peer-to-peer sharing services, which have flourished in recent years. The Major record labels argue that MP3 downloads violate copyright laws, as the record companies are unable to collect royalties on songs copied, traded, or downloaded (O’Connor). Despite the music industry’s protests, a significant movement towards a digital music format has elevated. â€Å"Lawmakers have been increasingly vocal about their de sire to see progress in the online music business, instead of a series of lawsuits and business failures† (Borland). The Affects Of Globalization On Music The Affects of Globalization on Music â€Å"Won’t you help me sing these songs of freedom?† -Bob Marley The influence that music has throughout the world is immeasurable. Music evokes many feeling, surfaces old memories, and creates new ones all while satisfying a sense of human emotion. With the ability to help identify a culture, as well as educate countries about other cultures, music also provides for a sense of knowledge. Music can be a tool for many things: relaxation, stimulation and communication. But at the same time it can also be a tool for resistance: against parents, against police against power. Within the reign of imported culture, cross cultivation and the creation of the so-called global village lies the need to expand horizons to engulf more than just wha...