Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about The Role of Reflexivity in Ethnography

The Role of Reflexivity in Ethnography Reflexivity, as I understand it, is very well named.It is the practice of reflecting upon oneself and one’s work, of being self-aware and self-critical. In anthropology, it is well exemplified by the work of Renato Rosaldo, Ruth Behar, and Dorinne Kondo, among others. In its most obvious form (or at least the form most obvious to me), reflexivity is manifest in the practice of an ethnographer including herself in her own ethnographic research---seeing herself not as an â€Å"unbiased, impartial† (Malinowski 18) observer, but as an essential and un-removable part of her study. The effect of reflexivity on ethnographic writing has been, however, much broader than just that. It signals â€Å"a departure from†¦show more content†¦One should remember to be critical of one’s own work, to be open to the idea that one may be wrong. Among the semester’s readings, one in particular stands out for me as utterly self riteous and lacking in self-criticism. The introduction to Bronislaw Malinowski’s Argonauts of the Western Pacific is an assault upon my (admittedly) politically correct, postmodern (is that a bad word?), early 21st century sensibility. His â€Å"unbiased† writing is chalk-full of condescension, bigotry, and Eurocentricism. These are easy enough to dismiss (although not excuse) as the mind-frame of the era in which he was writing. It is, instead, his arrogant belief in his own irrefutable authority that (ironically) decreases his credibility for me. Malinowski writes of obtaining ethnographic success â€Å"by a patient and systematic application of a number of rules of common sense and well known scientific principles† (6). He refers alternately to missionaries, traders, and even natives as â€Å"untrained minds† (5) â€Å"and inferior amateur[s]† (6). He write s of ethnography as the be all and end all of understanding â€Å"primitive† cultures, of decoding the â€Å"chaotic and freakish† (9). I should say here that I do not wish to dismiss ethnography in any way. On the contrary, I believe it to be of great value in the study of any kind of culture. I don’t even entirely disagree with Malinowski. I suppose my main qualm with his work is in its total lackShow MoreRelatedEssay about Ethnography1634 Words   |  7 PagesEthnography One of the most complex and interesting aspects of cultural anthropology is the ethnography. The idea of being able to read stories about groups of individuals is something that is intriguing to many people. With the ethnography, the authors many times feel that they have control and understanding over the individuals that they are writing about. 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You may well have to jump into the arms of the scientists if you are going to try to keep your grass hut at the academy! -- Ruth Behar Debates on the role the reflexive plague the field of cultural anthropology as postmodern critics join the bandwagon attempting to claim authority in this dubiously recognized discipline. In the borderline realm between the sciences and humanities, cultural anthropology has tried to find a nicheRead More Ethnography Essay1090 Words   |  5 PagesEthnography Works Cited Missing Reflexivity is a qualitative method of research that takes an ethnography one step further, displaying the personal thoughts and reflections of the anthropologist on his informants. Ethnographies generally take an outside or foreign perspective of a culture, like reading a text, and reflexivity introduces a new component of inside description. Here, the anthropologist may describe personal interactions and experiences with natives and use this inside informationRead MoreEssay on The Pros and Cons of Ethnographic Reflexivity849 Words   |  4 PagesThe Advantages and Limits of Ethnographic Reflexivity Awareness of writing choices generates an appreciation of the reflexivity of ethnographic research. Reflexivity involves the recognition that an account of reality does not simply mirror reality but rather creates or constitutes as real in the first place whatever it describes. Thus ‘the notion of reflexivity recognizes that texts do not simply and transparently report an independent order of reality. Rather, the texts themselves are implicatedRead More Ethnography Essay989 Words   |  4 PagesEthnography Works Cited Missing Anthropology is defined, in the most basic terms, as the study of other cultures. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Is The Statue of Liberty a Lie Essay - 1716 Words

Is The Statue of Liberty a Lie? The issue of immigration has shaped the history of the United States throughout the years of its existence. People from numerous different countries have immigrated to America in search of a better life and new opportunities. While Americans often ponder whether immigration is a benefit to society, legislators have recently enacted many anti-immigration laws which have been enforced to keep control over illegal immigration. Many different positions exist concerning illegal immigration in the United States. Advocates for Proposition 187 would suggest that illegal immigration is greatly increasing the population of the country, crowding schools, and denying many basic rights to citizens. Opponents†¦show more content†¦In Los Angles, California, elementary schools have been greatly affected by the anti-immigration laws. Teachers are forced to report to authorities which children they believe could possibly be illegal immigrants. Those children are then removed from scho ol and often times sent back to their home country. Tom Bradley, mayor of Los Angeles in 1994, stated â€Å"it is not fair to turn the children of illegal immigrants into scapegoats by ejecting them from public schools and denying them vital health services† (Ono 92). Even if children who are legal citizens are not forced out of their school, their parents will still be deported from the United States leaving the children with nothing. Fourteen-year-old Simon Romero says about his parents, â€Å"It’s not my fault my parents are here illegally†¦. If they have to leave, what am I going to do?† (Ono 94) This is true in many family situations. The parents may be illegal, but the child is born in the United States. One of the biggest controversies is how Proposition 187 will affect the children of illegal immigrants. Opponents to immigration say that immigrants are over crowding the public schools; therefore taking away the education those citizens’ children should be receiving. While it may not necessarily be the responsibility of the government to decide what should be done with the children of illegal immigrants, it is their responsiblitly to ensure the basic rights of Americans.Show MoreRelated Statue of Liberty: A Lie? Essay972 Words   |  4 PagesStatue of Liberty: A Lie? As I sat on a park bench in the middle of Manhattan, eating a pack of stale peanut butter crackers, I couldnt keep myself from thinking about the woman I had met the day before. The lady I met seemed to be a strong woman of high morale, but after our interaction I came to the conclusion that she was living a lie. Well-known and noticeably the tallest female in the community, many people looked up to her as somewhat of a motherly figure. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Recreation And Sports Facilities In Ipswich â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Recreation And Sports Facilities In Ipswich? Answer: Introducation The plaintiff and the defendant entered into a contract to construct five multi-purpose recreation and sports facilities in Ipswich, Brisbane and Beaudeser, Toowoomba and Logan City. Although the plaintiff commenced manufacturing and designing but did not start the construction as was required by the contract and the defendant terminated the contract. Plaintiff claims reliance damages for the works done under the contract as the termination notice was an invalid exercise. Defendants Submissions Wrongful Termination The defendant had entered into a contract with the Plaintiff in July 2016 and the subject matter of the contact was to construct a five multi-purpose recreation and sports facilities in Ipswich, Brisbane and Beaudeser, Toowoomba and Logan City. The plaintiff failed to commence with the construction of the sports and the recreational facilities and merely initiated with the manufacturing and designing of the project. The defendant terminated the contact based on the ground that the plaintiff had repudiated when he failed to commence construction, which forms the subject matter of the contract. In Koompahtoo Local Aboriginal Land Council v Sanpine Pty Ltd [2007] 233 CLR 115, 135 party to a contract is said to have repudiated the contract when their conduct is such that any prudent person would believe that the party the does not have any intentions to be bound by the contract. Such conduct shall also imply that the plaintiff intends to fulfill the contract in a manner that is contrary to the obligations conferred on such party[1]. The plaintiff had initiated the design and manufacturing of the multi-purpose sports and recreational facilities but did not commence with the construction of the recreational and sports facility, which signifies that the plaintiff did not have any intention to perform the contract[2]. Hence, the defendant had terminated the contract on the ground of breach of the contract which in order to be considered as repudiation must be sufficiently severe to give rise to the right to terminate. The plaintiff committed a breach of contract by failing to commence construction of the multi-purpose sports and recreational facilities. In law of contract if either party to the contract commits a breach of the contractual terms, the innocent party is entitled to terminate the contract. This is particular when the contractual term infringed by the breaching party has been agreed to be an essential term (i.e. a condition) between the parties to the contract as was ruled in the Koompahtoos case. If the breached term is a condition, the aggrieved party shall be entitled to terminate the contract with respect to the breach of such contractual term. In order to determine whether the term breached was essential (i.e. condition) the test of essentiality must be applied. Thos would enable to comprehend whether the nature of the contract signifies that the promise made to the promise was so essential that in the absence of such promise, he would not have formed the contract if he had not been assured of the performance of the promise. If the contractual term breached by the plaintiff was a warranty or a non-essential term, the innocent party shall be entitled to claim damages but cannot end the contract. If the violated term is an intermediate or an innominate term, the contract is entitled to be terminated[3]. However, the termination depends on the seriousness of the breach of such contractual term. A contract can be terminated for breach of any non-essential or an intermediate contractual term. In Hongkong Fir Shipping Co Ltd v Kawasaki Kisen Kisha Ltd [1962] 2 QB 26[4], it was held that for claiming a breach of any contractual term, the innocent party must establish that the breach was of serious nature and the seriousness of the breach shall enable the innocent party to end the contract. The aggrieved party must establish that such breach has deprived him of the significant benefits that he was otherwise entitled to receive had the contract been performed. In Ankar v national Westminster Finance, it was held that in some cases the it becomes difficult to determine whether the term breached is intermediate term or not owing to the ambiguousness of the language of the term. Under such circumstances, such terms shall be considered as both an essential and non-essential term. The seriousness of the breach shall determine whether the termination of the contract was justified. The subject matter of the contract entered into between the defendant and the plaintiff as to construct multi-purpose sports and recreational facilities but the plaintiff failed to commence with the construction, which implies his intention of not performing his contractual obligation. Due to such failure on part of the plaintiff, the defendant had been deprived of the benefits he would have obtained otherwise, if the plaintiff had fulfilled his contractual obligations. As mentioned in the Hongkongs case, the defendant is entitled to repudiate the contract on the ground of breach of the contract on part of the plaintiff. Wrongful termination 2.1. If the defendant had not terminated the contract, even then it still would have been deprived of the benefits as the plaintiff had merely started with the designing and manufacturing process and the defendant could not make use of the sports and recreational facilities as its construction had not yet been commenced. It could be said that the breach had an overarching impact on the end objective of the contract. 2.2. In the case Piattchanine, Iouri v Phosagro Asia Pte Ltd [2015] SGHC 25[5], the High Court held that the employer is entitled to terminate a contract under Common Law on the ground of breach of a contractual term and the essence of the contractual term breached depends on the facts of the case. The plaintiff had failed to start the construction of the multi-purpose project, which formed the subject matter of the contract and hence can be considered as an essential term of the contract. The defendant is entitled to terminate the contract under Common Law on ground of breach of an essential contractual term. 2.3. If a party is free to terminate a contract on notice, there is no stipulated requirement under the Common law to provide reasons to the party for terminating the contract as was ruled in Intico (Vic) Pty Ltd Ors v Walmsley [2004][6]. 2.4. In order to end the contract on the grounds of breach of any contractual term, it is imperative to identify the term that is alleged to have been infringed and the nature of the term should also be determined. If the term breached is an essential term irrespective of the fact how minor the term is, it shall be considered as a breach of an essential contractual term and the innocent party shall become entitled to terminate the contract. 2.5. If the term is not an essential term, that nature of the breach should be taken into consideration. As was observed in the Koompahtoos case, it is essential for the defendant to establish that the plaintiff had committed a breach of the proviso of the contra and the term was fundamental to the contract, hence the breach is of serious nature. The breach goes to the root of the contract and deprives the defendant or the aggrieved party significantly of the benefits that the innocent party as entitled to if the breach of the contractual term had not taken place on part of the plaintiff[7]. 2.6. The termination of the contract by defendant was based on the ground of a breach of an essential term of the contract, which was to construct a multi-purpose recreational, and sports facilities in Ipswich, Brisbane and Beaudeser, Toowoomba and Logan City. Due to the failure to commence the construction, it amounted to a breach of an essential term of the contract, which formed the subject matter of the contract. Such breach is considered as a fundamental breach and goes to the root the contract, thus, depriving the defendant from significant benefits which he was entitled to, had the contract was not breached. The defendant is entitled to claim compensation as ruled in the Kommpahtoos case. 2.7. The defendant had terminated the contract based on the breach of contractual term, which is considered as condition that gives rise to the right of the innocent party to terminate the contract. The defendant had notified the plaintiff about the termination of the contract and that the termination was conducted based on the breach of the contractual terms and not on the basis of repudiatory breach. In case the breach was conducted on the grounds of repudiation, the defendant would have had a chance to raise new grounds for terminating the contract. 2.6. the plaintiff had claimed that he relied on the contractual promise stipulated in the contract that it shall not be terminated unless the defendant notifies the plaintiff regarding the termination of the contract by giving reasons for it. However, as observed in the Inticos case, the employer is entitled to end a contract without giving any reasons for such termination under the Common law. The failure of the plaintiff to construct the multi-purpose project was a willful breach and the defendant had notified the plaintiff about the termination of contract on the grounds of breach of the contractual term, which was fundamental to the contract. 2.7. The plaintiff had further contended under clauses 5.5 that the plaintiff had entered into the contract with the belief that this contract would led him to earn huge profits in the future and that the defendant would form future contracts with him as well[8]. However, in order to form a valid contract it is imperative that both the parties to the contract agree by the terms of the contract and have legal intend to become legally bound by the contractual terms. In other words, both the parties to the contract must have the intention to perform the contractual terms of the contract without committing any breach of the contract. The plaintiff was aware that the subject matter or an indispensable term of the contract was the construction of the multi-purpose project in the five locations. The plaintiff commenced with the designs and the manufacturing but did not commence the construction of the project which implies that the plaintiff did not have any legal intention to perform his p art of the obligations and by non-commencing the construction of the project, it signified breach of an essential contractual term or a condition. 2.8. The defendant would have entered into other contracts with the plaintiffs had the plaintiff not failed to perform his part of the contractual obligations. Further, the defendant did not compel the plaintiff to enter into the contract at the cost of incurring a loss of $250000. The plaintiff had agreed to the terms of the contract and had entered into the contract voluntarily. The defendant promised the plaintiff of the substantial performance of the contract and was willing to perform the contractual obligation on part of the defendant. The plaintiff had willfully committed a breach of the contractual term by not fulfilling his obligation to construct the multi-purpose sports and recreational facility project in the five stipulated locations. 2.9. The plaintiff claims reliance damages to recoup the expenses incurred by the plaintiff to the extent that the plaintiff would have been entitled to recoup, had the contract was performed and not terminated[9]. As observed in the Piattchanines case, the defendant dismissed the claim of the plaintiff with respect to expenses incurred on the ground that the plaintiff had committed a willful breach of a contractual term, which amounts to a fundamental breach of the contract. Such willful breach deprives the defendant from substantial benefits that he would have otherwise obtained if the contract as fulfilled. The plaintiff failed to exercise reasonable care while performing his part of the obligation and has failed to the act in the best interests of the defendant. Reference list Stewart, Andrew. Stewart's guide to employment law. Vol. 3. Sydney: Federation Press, 2013. Painter, Richard, and Ann Holmes. Cases and materials on Employment Law. Oxford University Press, USA, 2015. Selwyn, Norman M., and Astra Emir. Selwyn's law of employment. Oxford University Press, USA, 2014. McKendrick, Ewan. Contract law: text, cases, and materials. Oxford University Press (UK), 2014. Adriaanse, Mr John. Construction contract law. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Hughes, Will, Ronan Champion, and John Murdoch. Construction contracts: law and management. Routledge, 2015. Intico (Vic) Pty Ltd Ors v Walmsley [2004] Piattchanine, Iouri v Phosagro Asia Pte Ltd [2015] SGHC 25 Hongkong Fir Shipping Co Ltd v Kawasaki Kisen Kisha Ltd [1962] 2 QB 26 Koompahtoo Local Aboriginal Land Council v Sanpine Pty Ltd [2007] 233 CLR 115, 135 [1] [2007] 233 CLR 115, 135 [2] Stewart, Andrew. Stewart's guide to employment law. Vol. 3. Sydney: Federation Press, 2013. [3] Painter, Richard, and Ann Holmes. Cases and materials on Employment Law. Oxford University Press, USA, 2015. [4] [1962] 2 QB 26 [5] [2015] SGHC 25 [6] [2004] [7] Selwyn, Norman M., and Astra Emir. Selwyn's law of employment. Oxford University Press, USA, 2014. [8] Adriaanse, Mr John.Construction contract law. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. [9] Hughes, Will, Ronan Champion, and John Murdoch.Construction contracts: law and management. Routledge, 2015.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Secret Life of Bees free essay sample

The Secret Life of Bees Monk Kidd  «The Secret Life of Bees » is a historical novel by American author Sue Monk Kidd. It is a story of coming-of-age, of the ability of love to transform our lifes. Adressing the wounds of loss, betrayal and the scarcity of love, Kidd demonstratesthe power of women, coming together to heal those wounds, to mother each other and themselves, to create a new holy place – true family and home. The novel received much critical acclaim and was a New York Times bestseller. In 2005 it was adopted into a film by Ginn Prince-Bythewood. The Secret Life of Bees » is the story of Lily, a fourteen-year-old girl who runs away from her unloving father to search for secrets of her dead mother`s past. The setting of the novel is South Carolina in 1964, a time when racial tensions were inflamed by civil rights movement and white racists`frequently violent responses to it. We will write a custom essay sample on The Secret Life of Bees or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Against this backdrop, Lily and her house-keeper, Rosalin, find shelter in the home of the eccentric Boatwright sisters, three African American beekeepers who worship before the statue of a Black Madonna they call  «Our Lady in Chains ». There Lily finds love and acceptance and begins to come n terms with the quilt she feels over her mother`s death. Lily has a special relationship with bees. At night, they squeeze through the cracks of her bedroom wall by the hundreds and fly circles around her room until the air itself pulsating with wings. They seem to indicate to Lily where is her right path. Every chapter opens with a short description of he life of bees which is always has a connection with the plot. In the climax of the story the sisters Boatright, the beekeepers, empart to Lily the sectets of the Black Madonna, mother to thousands. T. Ray Owens is the hateful, peach-farming antagonist of the novel, is feeling particularly meen towards Lily. He is a monstrous and abusive father. There is not apparent love in his heart for Lily whatsoever, and living with him only deepens the ubiquitous pain of her motherless existence. Deborah Owens`death is a source of great anguish and mystery for the confused adolescent, a memory from when she was four that she still can`t quite get her head around. Lily`s only true friend is Rosalin, a large black peach-worker who T. Ray brought to the house to care for Lily when her mother died.  «The Secret Life of Bees » is growing-up tale wrapped into a search for one`s mother, plunked down into the racially – charged South Carolina during the Civil rights movement, set alight with feminine spirituality. It is an inspirational feminist tale with strong female characters. And while it has already proven its` mettle as a best-selling novel with universal appeal, it will particularly enchant the female reader.